(239) 390-8000 ~ 21500 Three Oaks Parkway, Estero, Florida 33928

The attack on the World Trade Center created a catastrophic collapse of both towers. While this tragedy will be reviewed and evaluated for a long time to come, it has prompted Americans to rethink fire safety. A fire in a high-rise residential building can be confined to the apartment where it starts. However; smoke and heat can travel throughout the building, especially upward.

High-rise residential buildings are constructed to be fireproof. However, most of what is inside the buildings, including your furnishings and belongings, can burn and produce a tremendous amount of heat and smoke. Fire Safety begins at home; this is even more true for those who live in multi-story, multi-family mid to high-rise apartment buildings.  Every family should know the basics of how to prevent, report and escape fires at home.

Estero Fire Rescue has prepared this information to  help the whole family learn what steps to take to ensure that everyone’s home is fire safe.


Some of the topics covered in this section are:

If we work together, you and your family can be safe from the hazards of fire.

Estero Fire Rescue offers a wide variety of Fire and Life Safety Programs designed to educate or assist our residents in making their lives or environment safer.

Programs Offered