In October of 1999, the residents of Estero voiced their desire for Estero Fire Rescue to provide Advanced Life Support (ALS) Services in the community. The extensive process of providing this service was started in January of 2000. The process included contracting with a board certified Emergency Physician to be the Medical Director and oversee the program, detail local and State level paperwork to become a State licensed agency, the hiring of State certified personnel (paramedics) to provide these services, purchasing required medical equipment and supplies, and certifying these personnel with the Medical Director to go into the community and perform their skills.
Estero Fire Rescue achieved its goal of providing Advanced Life Support Services to the Estero Community on September 1, 2000.
All EFR Firefighter/EMTs and Paramedics are required to participate in extensive internal medical training with EFR’s EMS Manager and the Medical Director on a monthly basis. This training is necessary to keep their certifications current and keep on the cutting edge of patient care skills. These personnel also attend medical training outside the District and compete in International Advanced Life Support Competitions.
Estero Fire Rescue provides first response Advanced Life Support services to the community through Fire Engines staffed with highly skilled Paramedics and containing all the required (ALS) equipment to treat and stabilize patients in any emergent situation.
If you call 911 for any medical or traumatic emergency, an EFR paramedic will arrive within minutes and administer the highest level of pre-hospital care available.