(239) 390-8000 ~ 21500 Three Oaks Parkway, Estero, Florida 33928
Preventing Brush Fires

Preventing Brush Fires

Safety Information What to do when fire threatens:   Meet with your family to decide where to go if wildfire threatens   Have an evacuation plan prepared and make sure everyone knows the plan   Choose an out-of-county or out-of-state contact for everyone to call to...
Child Car Safety and Booster Seats

Child Car Safety and Booster Seats

Changes in Child Restraint Law (Booster Seats) FAQs, Facts & Figures What is changing about Florida’s Child Restraint Law? Beginning January 1, 2015, children aged 4 and 5 must be secured in a crash-­‐tested, federally approved child restraint device such as child...
Move to the Right for Sirens and Lights

Move to the Right for Sirens and Lights

If you or someone you love is in need of emergency assistance, you want help to get there right away. Did you know that there’s one thing everyone can do to help the firefighters provide this emergency assistance as quickly as possible? It’s as simple as Moving to the...

Campus Life Safety

College life.  There isn’t anything quite like it.  It is the beginning of a new life into an adulthood for many college students.  For many parents, it is a time of mixed feelings; wanting their child to become independent….but not too independent. Colleges and...
Hand Sanitizer FAQs

Hand Sanitizer FAQs

Hand Sanitizers Frequently Asked Questions Do hand sanitizers reduce the spread of bacteria and disease? Yes!  Studies have shown they are effective in reducing the spread of illness in households, elementary schools and in university dormitories. Can hand sanitizers...