(239) 390-8000 ~ 21500 Three Oaks Parkway, Estero, Florida 33928

Estero Fire Rescue recently held its annual awards banquet to honor those that have gone above and beyond the call of duty.  Nominated by their peers, the awards recognize outstanding performances of individuals employed by the District.

Employee/Firefighter of the Year

FF Clint Skelton

FF Clint Skelton joined Estero Fire Rescue in September, 2007 after several years as an Estero Fire Rescue Explorer where he was a founding member.  As an employee, he continues to offer his time and guidance to the Explorer program, guiding future firefighters in the career that he loves.  His constant attention to detail and positive attitude make him a true leader in the department.  (Photo left to right:  Division Chief Todd Coulter, FF Clint Skelton, Assistant Chief Mark Wahlig)

Phoenix Award

FF Guillermo Maradona, Lt. Jeff Brann, Lt. Glen Brownleeimage004

While it is the job of emergency responders to save lives, occasionally responders will go above and beyond to provide life saving care during critical events.  FF Guillermo Maradona, Lt. Jeff Brann and Lt Glen Brownlee provided this care to a patient suffering from cardiac arrest that resulted in not only the patient surviving but continuing his great quality of life.  (Photo left to right:  FF Guillermo Maradona, Lt. Jeff Brann, Lt. Glen Brownlee)

Chief’s Award

Lt. Glen Brownlee The Chief’s Award is given by the Fire Chief to those individuals who selflessly serve their community and provide a great example to others.  Lt. Glen Brownlee consistently provides his greatest effort both on and off the job to make Estero Fire Rescue a great representative of Emergency Service. (Photo left to right:  Fire Chief Scott Vanderbrook, Lt. Glen Brownlee)

Rising Star

Inspector Scott Danielsonimage006Inspector Scott Danielson joined Estero Fire Rescue as a temporary employee, filling in for another inspector.  In the short time that he has been part of Estero Fire Rescue, he has continued to go above and beyond to provide excellent service to the residents and businesses of the District.  Inspector Danielson joined the department as a full time employee on March 7, 2011.  The District looks forward to a long and continuing career with him.  (Photo left to right:  Inspector Scott Danielson, Fire Marshal Phillip Green)

Award of Merit

Lt Dan Hardman, Eng David McDougall, FF Mark Diaz


Many times firefighters are called upon to perform services that are not life threatening but are critical none the less.  Lt Dan Hardman, Eng David McDougall and FF Mark Diaz were recognized for their commitment to a local resident when he was being evicted from his home.  The crew assisted the resident in getting temporary housing as well as storage for his belongings.  (Photo left to right:  Lt Dan Hardman, Eng David McDougall, FF Mark Diaz)