Residential Fire Sprinkler Systems
Benefits & Statistics Myths vs. Facts How Home Sprinklers Work Flyers to Print US Fire Admin. Brochure Presentation Benefits Presentation (9/15) Resolution of the board of commissioners of the Estero Fire Rescue District, Lee County, Florida, requiring the...
Change Smoke Alarms Batteries
Daylight Saving Time Begins: 2nd Sunday in March, Ends: 1st Sunday in November

Sharps Collection Program
Estero Fire Rescue is proud to offer a “sharps” disposal program to residents.

Pool and Swimming Safety
Summer is here! While Floridians need to be vigilant about water safety year-round, it’s especially important that we review our drowning prevention now, as schools let out for summer vacation and temperatures are on the rise. In 2002, an estimated 1,600 children were...